Left Side Chest Pain: 6 Common Causes & When to Seek Emergency Help

Left-side chest pain can be a symptom of a heart problem, and therefore some people often think they're having a heart attack when it happens. However, pain on the left side of the chest can also indicate less serious issues, like excess intestinal gas, reflux, or anxiety attack.

When chest pain is intense and associated with symptoms like shortness of breath and tingling in the left arm, or doesn't improve within a few minutes, proceed to the hospital.

An electrocardiogram (ECG) will likely be ordered to detect cardiac problems, especially for older adults or people with chronic illnesses, like high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol.

6 Common Left Side Chest Pain Causes

Many health conditions can cause pain in the left part of the chest. They range from benign to potentially life-threatening. If you are in doubt about the potential causes of left-sided chest pain, seek emergency medical services immediately.

Treatment for chest pain depends on its causes. Learn about the most common causes of left-sided chest pain below and when to seek emergency help:

Panic Attack

Panic attacks come on suddenly and tend to peak within 10 minutes. Due to chest pain, tightness, and other symptoms, they can simulate a heart attack. Aside from chest pain, some other symptoms are the following:

If you think you have an anxiety attack, seek immediate medical care. Other health issues, such as heart and thyroid disorders, can produce similar symptoms, so you want to be certain of the diagnosis.

How to ease a panic attack"

Panic disorder is a treatable mental health problem. Your doctor may recommend psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy. If it’s an ongoing problem, some medications might help.

It might be helpful to:

Digestive Problems

Heartburn is the chest pain and discomfort you experience when stomach acid comes up into your esophagus (acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux). You might also experience:

Heartburn usually happens fairly soon after you’ve eaten. It can also occur when you lie down a few hours after eating. It can even wake you up from a sound sleep.

Acid reflux can progress to a more severe form called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The main symptom of GERD is frequent heartburn. Aside from chest pain, GERD can also cause coughing, wheezing, and trouble swallowing.

Treatment for heartburn"

You can generally ease heartburn with over-the-counter antacids. Your doctor can prescribe a stronger medication if necessary. If you have frequent heartburn, it might be helpful to:

It might be helpful to:

Esophageal rupture

An esophageal rupture is a medical emergency that may cause non-cardiac chest pain. This condition occurs when the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach tears, allowing substances from the mouth to leak into the chest cavity and the lungs.

Sometimes, a person may experience this type of injury after excessive vomiting or experiencing physical trauma around the esophagus.

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Angina is often a symptom of coronary heart disease, though other heart conditions may also cause it. Angina is the chest pain, heaviness, discomfort, or pressure you get when your heart muscle isn’t getting enough oxygen-rich blood.

The pain and discomfort usually include the left part of your whole body. You might also experience discomfort in your back.

The underlying condition must be properly diagnosed and treated. Diagnostic tests may include:

The treatment will depend on the cause and may include medication, lifestyle changes, and cardiac procedures as necessary.


Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart tissue, specifically the myocardium, the middle layer of the heart wall. Doctors often cannot identify the cause, but when they can, it is typically due to a viral infection.

Chest pain can be a sign that your heart muscle is inflamed. Other signs include:

Myocarditis can weaken your heart or cause permanent damage to the cardiac muscle. In some cases, a person can experience cardiac arrest or even death.

Mild cases may improve without treatment, but severe cases may require medication. Treatment depends on the cause.


Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the cardiac muscle, which may lead to an enlarged heart. If you have cardiomyopathy, your heart can’t efficiently pump blood to the rest of your body.

It’s possible to have cardiomyopathy without any symptoms, but it can also cause chest pain. Other symptoms can include:

Treatment usually involves medications, cardiac procedures, and surgery. Certain lifestyle changes may help, too. These can include:

Heart Attack

A heart attack is a serious problem that requires immediate medical attention. This results when a blood clot reduces blood flow to the heart muscle. Some heart attacks begin with mild chest pain that slowly builds up. They can also start quite suddenly, with intense left chest pain. Other symptoms can include

Heart attack symptoms in women

The symptoms depend from person to person. Both men and women can experience chest pain, gassiness or heartburn, difficulty breathing, or pain and discomfort in the shoulders, arms, neck, or jaw.

However, women are more likely to experience the following symptoms:

If you experience these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. With a heart attack, every second counts. The sooner you get treatment, the better the outcome will likely be.

A heart attack is a medical emergency that calls for immediate treatment.

When to Seek Emergency Help

Chest pain or heaviness, in general, is a concern for a heart attack or other life-threatening condition for which every minute matters. Call 911 or the local emergency services if you or someone near you has unexplained chest pain or sudden chest pain along with:

How We Can Help

Looking for a primary care physician to check for your risks of a heart problem? Look no further!

The Right Spinal Clinic has a primary care physician who will always be available for any medical needs. Schedule an appointment by calling (813) 392 2164 or filling out our online appointment form.

6 Ways To Stay on Track With Your Health And Fitness Goals

Staying on track with your health and fitness goals is never easy. Sometimes, you just feel like you are exhausted with your workout routine or you end up eating unhealthy dishes.

Consistency is vital when it comes to your health and fitness goals. But, do not be discouraged when you fall for unhealthy decisions. After all, forming healthy habits does not happen overnight.

Here are 6 ways to help you stay on track with your health and fitness goals:


#1. Visit a Primary Care Physician.

Visiting your physician at The Right Spinal Clinic is the first big step towards your health and fitness goals. We have some of the best doctors in Tampa Bay, Florida-- Dr. Luis Merced MD, Dr. Stephen Diamantides DC, and Dr. Douglas Scott D.O. to name a few.

We provide comprehensive therapies and treatments to ensure you are on the right path. Physical and medical checkups are necessary to determine whether your fitness programs are aligned with your goals and condition.

#2. Track Your Progress.

Take time to review your goals and track your progress. Knowing your accomplishments may help you persevere with your healthy habits. Here are some questions you should ask yourself when tracking your progress:

  • What adjustments have I made so far?
  • What were the benefits of such changes?
  • What were the roadblocks and how did I overcome them?

Whenever you feel like you are straying from the path, this practice should help you stay on track with your goals.

#3. Think About Your Motivation.

Try to reflect on your journey. What made you take this path in the first place? What did you feel when you were setting the goals? What were your expectations? Sometimes, we need to look back to help us move forward.


#4. Refrain From Buying Your Problem Foods.

Maintaining a healthy diet can be challenging, especially if you keep storing junk foods or other unhealthy foods. Buying your favorite chips or soda only creates a way for you to self-sabotage. So, the next time you go to the supermarket, muster up some self-control and walk away from the junk food section! It helps if you avoid shopping while you are hungry.


#5. Try Some Innovative Health & Wellness Programs.

There are now innovative health and wellness programs that can help you stay on track with your goals. IV therapy and cryotherapy are some of the most popular treatment options in Tampa Bay. Even professional athletes and famous celebrities take advantage of these programs to boost their health and wellness.

#6. Celebrate Your Wins! 

Be proud of your achievements and celebrate your wins! Remember, every victory is vital towards your end goal. Recognizing your success for every milestone will keep you motivated.

Stay Looking For Ways To Improve Your Life!

These are just some of the things you can do to stay on track with your health and fitness goals. If you need help to stay healthy, The Right Spinal Clinic is your go-to destination! Schedule an appointment now!