Are you thinking of getting Chiropractic care after your recent accident?
Injuries to the neck or spine can be a severe and painful experience. These types of damages may even lead to time off of work and a limitation on your usual daily activities. With that, you need to have a treatment that works best for you— Chiropractic care.
Getting Chiropractic care is one of the best decisions you will ever make following a recent accident. Whether you’ve acquired minor injuries, or recurring back and neck pains, chiropractic care is an ideal treatment for you.
Today, let’s get to know what Chiropractic care is and the amazing benefits it does to your body.
What Is A Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care, or simply chiropractic, is a healthcare profession that focuses on the treatment of musculoskeletal and nervous systems disorders. It's entirely patient-centered and non-invasive.
Chiropractic care doesn’t rely on medications or surgery. It's a hands-on approach to healthcare, intending to restore and stimulate the body to proper self-healing and functioning.
Chiropractors use manual treatment methods like stretching and sustaining controlled pressure on specific bones, joints, and muscles. These are usually delivered by hand and involve a quick and gentle thrust.
Chiropractic care is effective in treating back pain, neck pain and headaches. But that’s not all. Today, discover the six amazing benefits you can get from Chiropractic care.
1 - Effective In Eliminating Pain
Chiropractic care, or simply chiropractic, is a healthcare profession that focuses on the treatment of musculoskeletal and nervous systems disorders. It's entirely patient-centered and non-invasive.
Chiropractic care doesn’t rely on medications or surgery. It's a hands-on approach to healthcare, intending to restore and stimulate the body to proper self-healing and functioning.
Chiropractors use manual treatment methods like stretching and sustaining controlled pressure on specific bones, joints, and muscles. These are usually delivered by hand and involve a quick and gentle thrust.
Chiropractic care is effective in treating back pain, neck pain and headaches. But that’s not all. Today, discover the six amazing benefits you can get from Chiropractic care.
2 - No Medication Involved
Taking medicine allows you to get immediate relief from a health issue. However, most medications have side effects like frequent headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, skin rashes, and a lot more.
Chiropractic care is an alternative to taking medications. Although medications bring positive effects to your body, over time, it also makes you dependent on it.
With Chiropractic care, you get relief from your body pain and aches without the involvement of medications. The techniques used by chiropractors promote your body's natural healing capability. It enables you to achieve a healthy and recovered body without the risk of side effects.
3 - A Safe And Natural Treatment Option
Most people who suffer from severe back pains thought that only surgery could help them get freed from the discomfort. But chiropractic care proves to be a safer and more affordable option. By going to a chiropractor first, you might find the relief that you need instead of immediately paying for costly surgeries.
Chiropractic is also known to be safe even for pregnant women. Not only does it reduce lower back pain, but it also improves pelvic balance which helps the baby find the best fetal position.
At The Right Spinal Clinic, our chiropractor is experienced in providing relief from chronic pain. With the help of our advanced equipment that pinpoints your "hidden injuries", you can be sure that you'll have a more effective and faster recovery process at our clinic.
4 - Improves Mobility And Boost Immunity
Injuries to the spine or joints not only causes restrictions in your movements, but also affects your nervous system. Problems in the nervous system would cause your immunity to weaken.
Chiropractic can help fix the misalignments on your spine and joints. Since this physical treatment relieves the pain, you’ll have a better working nervous system, which means a better working immune system as well. And of course, improved mobility since pain will not restrict your movements anymore.
5 - An Advantage In Compensation Claims
Choosing to see a chiropractor after an auto accident or work-related accident can give you a better chance of getting your compensation claim approved. It's showing the court and insurance companies that you are doing everything you can to heal from your injuries and not just waiting for some money.
The Right Spinal Clinic has experience treating auto accident injuries and work-related injuries. We can help provide not only the treatment you need but also the medical records for your claim.
If you're worried about who's going to pay for your treatment, The Right Spinal Clinic works on a medical lien. This means that the insurance company will pay us once your case has been settled.
If you need chiropractic care in Tampa, The Right Spinal Clinic is absolutely the place for you. Our experts and professional chiropractors, doctors, and health workers will all work together in taking care of you and helping you recover from your accident injuries and other health issues.
Schedule an appointment with us by filling out our online form or by calling us directly at (813) 392 2164.
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