now with semaglutide

Medical Weight Loss Program in Tampa

The Best Weight Loss Plan For You!

Losing weight reduces your risk for chronic diseases, and improves your physical capabilities, energy levels, mental well-being, and self-esteem. It is one of the most beneficial and impactful decisions you can make for your physical and mental health.

Say Goodbye to Cravings with Semaglutide

Take control of your weight loss journey with semaglutide, it will help you to lose weight more effectively and reach your goals faster by improving satiety and reducing hunger.

$150 off

+4 Fat Burners

Limited Time Special!

Maximize your weight loss results with Semaglutide!


Medical Weight Loss Benefits

Semaglutide Benefits

  • Less Risk Of Chronic Diseases

    Reduce your risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
  • Physical Capabilities

    Reduces strain on joints and muscles, making physical activities easier and improves cardiovascular function, enhancing performance in daily activities and athletics.
  • Mental And Emotional Well-Being

    Improving physical health increases self-esteem and reduces anxiety and depression and positively impacts mood and cognitive function.
  • Quality Of Life And Longevity

    Lower risk of diseases increases longevity and better sleep and increased energy contribute to a higher quality of life.

Less Risk of Chronic Diseases

Reduce your risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.

Physical Capabilities

Reduces strain on joints and muscles, making physical activities easier and improves cardiovascular function, enhancing performance in daily activities and athletics.

Mental and Emotional Well-being

Improving physical health increases self-esteem and reduces anxiety and depression and positively impacts mood and cognitive function.

Quality of Life and Longevity

Lower risk of diseases increases longevity and better sleep and increased energy contribute to a higher quality of life.

  • Reduce food intake

    Semaglutide lowers body weight by reducing appetite and hunger, increasing satiety and reducing food cravings.
  • Reduce inflammation

    Semaglutide reduces atherosclerotic inflammation by means of decreased activated macrophage activity.
  • Regulate blood sugar levels

    Semaglutide produces blood sugar-lowering effects without any increase in hypoglycemia.
  • Proven results for weight loss

    Semaglutide has been proven to reduce body weight, lipids, blood pressure, inflammatory markers and oxidative stress.

Reduce Food Cravings

Semaglutide lowers body weight by reducing appetite and hunger, increasing satiety and reducing food cravings.

Reduce inflammation

Semaglutide helps lower inflammation in the blood vessels and can help lower the risk of heart disease.

Weight loss maintenance

Semaglutide has been found to be effective in helping people maintain their weight loss long-term.

Proven results for weight loss

Semaglutide has been proven to reduce body weight, lipids, blood pressure, inflammatory markers and oxidative stress.

Struggling to lose the excess weight?

Initial Consultation & Weekly Visits

Financing available

Initial Consultation

It Covers:
- Physician Consultation
- Extended Medical Testing
- Body Measurements
- Weight-Loss Plan Creation
- Supplements Application
- Medical Counseling & Support


Weekly Sessions

These cover:
- Physician's Feedbacks
- Some Medical Tests
- Body Measurements
- Weight-loss Plan Optimization
- Supplement Refills
- Medical Counseling & Support


Semaglutide Program for Weight Loss

How Does Semaglutide Work?

Prior to beginning your semaglutide weight loss program, you will be provided with a suitable reduced-calorie diet plan and exercise routine with the help of our nutrition educators. As you follow this diet and exercise plan, you will be instructed to take semaglutide at gradually increasing doses. The initial dosing will be customized based on your starting weight. In our program, semaglutide is administered as a weekly injection, which you can administer at home.


Semaglutide in the News


What Our Customers Have to Say

  • “Semaglutide was a game-changer for me in my struggle to reach my ideal weight and body image. With Semaglutide, I noticed it was super easy to make the right food choices. I had no cravings for the foods I had to stay away from, and the results were astonishing. Thanks to The Right Spinal Clinic and Semaglutide for helping me reach my ideal weight.”

    Terry Adams
    Body Builder
  • “I am extremely thankful for Semaglutide. I was struggling to lose weight on my own, but Semaglutide has made all the difference. I noticed a significant decrease in my appetite and cravings and the weight has been coming off.”

    Carol Poovey
  • "Semaglutide was a real-life miracle for me. It helped me lose 30 pounds and keep it off. It reduced my appetite and cravings making it easy to stick to a healthy diet. I feel great and highly recommend it for weight loss."

    Caroly Peterson


Frequently Asked Questions About Semaglutide

What will my food goals be?

● Establishing a sustainable and flexible approach to nutrition.
● Minimizing fast-digesting carbs.
● Making healthier choices that include protein, fiber, and healthy fats without restricting or counting calories.

Is the medication safe?

GLP-ls are FDA-approved and safe. They have been widely used since 2005 and are generally very well tolerated, with minimal side effects.

Can I take additional weight loss medication?

We do not recommend taking any weight loss medication that is not GLP-1 during your weight loss program.

What can I eat on the Semaglutide Program?

There are no food restrictions. However, if you are not eating a healthy diet, you will not feel good while on the program. If you eat healthier, you will feel much better and have higher energy levels. We recommend incorporating proteins and nutrient-dense foods into your daily diet.

Who is eligible for the Semaglutide Program?

There are only two qualifications for Semaglutide:

    ● A BMI over 30 and no weight-related complications
    ● A BMI over 27 with weight-related complications

How much weight can I lose?

When using semaglutide as part of a weight loss program, it is important to work with a healthcare provider to set realistic and healthy weight loss goals.

In previous experience, people using once weekly semaglutide in their weight loss program typically lost 1-4 pounds per week. However, the individual's weight loss rate may vary depending on factors such as diet, exercise habits, and starting weight.

It's important to note that weight loss should be a gradual process and losing too much weight too quickly can be unhealthy.

Does Semaglutide have side effects?

The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, stomach (abdomen) pain, headache, tiredness (fatigue), upset stomach, dizziness, feeling bloated, belching, gas, stomach flu, and heartburn. Note that most of these are manageable by proper dosing, and some overlap with the intended effect of "feeling full."

What is Semaglutide (Ozempic, Rybelsus, or Wegovy)?

Semaglutide is a prescription medication that is used to treat Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and for Weight Management. It is available under the following different brand names: Ozempic, Rybelsus, and Wegovy.

it's time

Semaglutide Program 
for Weight Loss

let's get started

Semaglutide Program for Weight Loss

Success Story With Semaglutide

Meet Luz Maria Chavez. She lost 18.4 pounds in 30 days!!! This is her inspiring story.

Maria has been battling to reach her ideal weight for as long as she can remember. She has tried countless diets and exercise programs without success. When she managed to lose weight she always seemed to gain it right back again.

One day, Maria went to The Right Spinal Clinic where they introduced her to the Semaglutide Weight Loss Program, and everything changed. Maria soon realized that this program was much more effective. Semaglutide helped her feel full and satisfied after eating and she found that she had more energy!

In just 30 days, Maria lost 18.4 pounds! Now she feels better physically and mentally and her self-confidence and self-esteem also skyrocketed.

Maria is grateful for her transformation and for the Semaglutide Weight Loss Program which has been such a game-changer in her fight against obesity. She believes that the program was truly life-changing.

Semaglutide: The Breakthrough Solution for Sustainable Weight Loss


Semaglutide Program for Weight Loss

Physician Supervision & Nutritionist Personalized Weight Loss Plan

You will be supervised by a physician all throughout your weight loss journey. Your physician will guide you through a nutritional diet, healthy habits, and exercises. You can also talk to us anytime regarding your progress or whenever you are having a hard time.

To design a weight loss plan that works for you, first, we need to find the cause of your excessive weight. Usually, being overweight or obese is caused by lifestyle choices, such as overeating or stress. But sometimes obesity is caused by undiagnosed medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome or hypothyroidism. It can also be due to genetics or a side effect of medical treatments for diabetes.

Our physicians supervise your weight loss program to ensure your safety and avoid unhealthy weight loss methods. Some weight loss methods can cause eating disorders, problems in digestion, or hormonal dysregulation. These methods might make you lose weight quickly, but their health consequences can bring more issues than actual benefits.

Our Weight Loss Process

1. Initial Consultation

In your initial consultation, our physicians will discuss everything you need to know about our weight loss service. They will also explain the risks of overweight or obesity in your case.

Your current condition, weight loss goals, and medical history will also be discussed. The physicians will also calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) and have you undergo some medical exams, which might include blood tests and ECG. These will help them gauge how much weight you need to lose, approximately how long it will take, and the most effective way for you to lose weight.

Once we have gathered all the necessary information about your condition, our physicians will then build a customized weight loss plan which includes:

Nutritional Diet: You will be provided with a low-calorie, high-nutrient diet plan. This diet plan is designed for effective and safe weight loss and at the same time, give you the energy you need.

Healthy Lifestyle Routine: You will also receive information and guidance in making healthier lifestyle choices. This includes regular exercise routine, stress management, and building better habits.

Long-term Support and Counseling: We will be with you all the way. Our weight loss program includes weekly monitoring to keep you on track.

Weight Loss Medical Supplements: Only if needed, we will prescribe FDA-approved medical supplements to help in your weight loss journey.

2. Weekly Consultation

The Right Spinal Clinic will be with you throughout the process. You will have a team of professionals who will support and encourage you to reach your goals.

Our physicians will meet with you weekly to monitor your progress and optimize your weight loss plan as needed. Your weekly consultation will consist of the following:
Body Measurements: We will take your weight and body measurements as they are the principal indicators showing if the weight loss plan is working for you.
Medical Tests: Only if necessary, additional medical tests will be taken to ensure a safe weight loss. This might be mandatory for patients who have certain medical conditions.
Physician's Feedbacks: You will be asked about your current condition or how the diet and lifestyle changes are affecting you. This includes if you like the food, if you are sticking to your exercise routines, or if you're getting the energy you need for your day. Keep in mind that our physicians are on your side. So if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to talk to them about it.
Optimization of the Weight-loss Plan: If your physician thinks that the current weight loss plan is no longer suitable for you, they will provide changes so that it continues to improve your health and well-being.
Refilling of Supplements: If you were prescribed medical weight loss supplements, your physician will check on how it's affecting your progress. They will either change your dosage or advise you to refill the prescription if needed. These supplements are not effective by themselves and should be taken along with proper diet and exercise.

3. Weight Goal Achieved

Losing weight might be a long and arduous journey. But once you start seeing progress and eventually reach your weight goal, you will realize that it's all worth it. The professional healthcare team at The Right Spinal Clinic will be there to support and cheer you on.

Now that you've reached your goal, you have a healthier body and a more active and fun lifestyle, you just have to maintain it. Our physicians will provide you with a guide to keep the weight you have now. This includes:

  • What food to eat and which ones to avoid
  • Workout routines to stay active
  • How to manage stressors in life
  • The importance of discipline and making the right choices

If ever you find yourself struggling again, don't hesitate to ask us for help. We will always be here for you.

Start your semaglutide program today at The Right Spinal Clinic

Live a healthier and happier life by losing your excess weight. At The Right Spinal Clinic, our professional healthcare staff will provide you with a safe and effective approach to your weight loss journey. You will have our constant guidance, support and care throughout the entire process. Start your journey now by calling us at (813) 582 7000 and schedule your first appointment with us.

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