IV therapy for depression: The Candi Cocktail

Are you looking for new ways to help fight depression? Do you want to try something new to improve your mood and wellbeing? You might want to consider The Right Spinal Clinic's IV Therapy!

In today's blog post, we will feature The Right Spinal Clinic's special IV drip formula for depression, called the Candi Cocktail. What are the key compounds in this formula? How does it help with depression? How does IV therapy work? Read on!


Key Facts About Depression in Florida

Depression is one of the leading health problems in America, especially in today's pandemic outbreak. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), over 2,899,000 adults in Florida have a mental health condition--that's more than six times the population of Miami!

Several reports also revealed that the Covid-19 has had a negative impact on thousands of people in Florida. Check out these statistics below:

  • Nearly 41 percent of Adults in Florida reported symptoms of depression and anxiety in February 2021. And about 25 percent were unable to get the right treatment, counseling or therapy.
  • About 650,000 adults experience serious mental health problems.
  • Approximately 180,000 Floridians aged 12-17 also experience depression.
  • Nearly 800,000 adults in Florida did not receive needed mental health care. And nearly half of them were because of cost.

These are some of the important facts you should know about depression. Now, let's talk about IV therapy and other treatments for depression.


What Is IV Therapy?

IV or intravenous therapy is a treatment method that infuses medications, vitamins, supplements, or drip solutions directly into your veins. It is one of the fastest and most effective ways to administer fluid or medication to your body. More than 80 percent of patients in hospitals receive IV therapy.


The IV Therapy Breakthrough

In the past, medical professionals used IV therapy primarily in the hospital setting to deliver fluids or medications. But thanks to technological advancements and the unending efforts of our health care providers, experts have developed other innovative applications for IV or infusion therapy. Today, almost everyone can benefit from IV therapy treatments outside of the hospital setting.

Infusion therapy is now being used to help people who want to boost their immune systems and treat numerous health problems. Benefits of IV therapy in Tampa to your health and wellness include the following:

  • Support your weight loss program
  • Help treat certain nutrient deficiencies
  • Detoxify your body
  • Increase circulation
  • Promote cardiovascular health
  • Help ease anxiety and promote relaxation
  • Help manage chronic pain conditions


How does IV therapy work?

IV or infusion therapy is a simple and safe procedure. Medical practitioners usually use a small tube also known as a catheter and a saline-based electrolyte solution that contains your preferred or required vitamins or drip solution.

IV or infusion therapy works quickly and efficiently since the IV can deliver this drip solution or fluid directly into your bloodstream.


The Candi Cocktail Composition

If you are looking for stress relief, you should definitely try The Right Spinal Clinic's Candi Cocktail. This specialized IV drip solution contains essential vitamins and minerals that can help manage your stress levels and promote relaxation, as well. This mood-boosting formula includes:

  • Vita Complex (B Complex)
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Amino Blend
  • Glutathione

It can also help detoxify your body, making you feel calm and rejuvenated!

Benefits Of IV Therapy To Relieve Stress

Now, let's talk about how IV therapy can help relieve stress and depression. The biggest advantage of IV therapy or infusion therapy over other treatments is time and efficiency. Most antidepressant medications take several days or weeks to experience results. While IV therapy is not a replacement for any medications that your doctor may prescribe, IV therapy can provide an immediate boost.


IV therapy helps calm your feelings of anxiety

IV therapy is an excellent treatment option for anxiety and stress. It can also help people suffering from addiction, migraines, and muscle tension. There are also IV drip solutions today that are designed to help people calm their feelings of anxiety.

One good example is the Candi Cocktail. This particular IV drip is formulated to help alleviate anxiety symptoms and enhance your overall physical health and wellness, as well. The Candi Cocktail can provide your brain with the nutrients it needs to produce to improve your mood, making it easier for you to overcome your symptoms.


IV therapy promotes a good night’s sleep

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Well, you are not alone! According to reports, over 70 million Americans are suffering from chronic sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea.

Keep in mind that lack of sleep can take a toll on your health and wellness. This can lead to various health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, heart failure, stroke. Quality sleep is also important to your mental health.

IV therapy can help improve sleep quality. In fact, many people today are turning to IV therapy to help them manage their insomnia. Here's how IV therapy can help with insomnia:

  • Improved circadian rhythm regulation
  • Improved rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Increased sleep duration
  • Correct sleeping patterns

Better sleep means a healthier body and mind!


IV therapy relaxes your muscles

IV or infusion therapy can also help relax your muscles, which is ideal for patients who are suffering from chronic pain due to accidents, spinal cord injuries, and other health conditions. IV therapy has shown great results in patients suffering from complex regional pain syndromes, phantom limb pain, and neuropathic pain.


IV therapy supports immune function

It is no secret that IV therapy can boost immunity. This is actually one of the main reasons why many people get IV or infusion therapy. Boosting your immune function can also help treat depression.


IV therapy prevents migraines and headaches

People with migraines or chronic headaches are more likely to have anxiety and depression. The Candi Cocktail is one of the most effective solutions for migraine relief. In fact, The Right Spinal Clinic has IV therapies specifically formulated to alleviate chronic headaches. Allow our experts to help you choose the best infusion therapy for your specific needs or preferences.

Book your first IV Therapy today!

Are you or your loved ones looking for the best IV drip for depression, anxiety, or chronic pain? The Right Spinal Clinic is here to help! Call us now at (813) 582 7000 to schedule an appointment. We also accept walk-ins with no waiting time!

How to Boost Your Immune System

There is no doubt that this pandemic outbreak has changed our lives. It has also reminded us that humans are vulnerable and that we should always take care of our bodies.

Good day, Tampa Bay, and happy New Year! We hope everyone is safe and healthy. Today, we will give you some proven tips for boosting your immune system in Tampa so you can stay safe and healthy throughout the year!


Tip #1: Get Enough Sleep 

Having enough sleep is important to your body’s immune system. In fact, poor quality sleep makes you vulnerable to various illnesses.

Several studies show that adults who slept fewer than 6 hours each night were more likely to catch a cold than those who slept 6 hours or more.

Ideally, adults should have at least 7 hours of sleep each night, while teens need 8 hours of sleep, and younger children and infants should have more than 10 hours of sleep.


Tip #2: Eat More Whole Plant Foods 

Whole plant foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes are packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants that can give you an upper hand against harmful pathogens!


Tip #3: Eat Healthy Fats 

Take note that not all fats are harmful to your body. Healthy fats can be found in numerous food sources such as olive oil, salmon, and many more. These power foods can  help boost your immunity and reduce inflammation.


Tip #4 Supply Your Body with more Fermented Foods or Take a Probiotic Supplement 

Fermented foods such as yogurt, natto, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi contain beneficial bacteria that can improve your digestive tract.

Several studies show that healthy gut bacteria can help your immune cells differentiate between normal healthy cells and harmful organisms.


Tip #5: Exercise or Stay Active 

Several studies have shown that regular exercise or being active can boost the effectiveness of vaccines. This is ideal, especially for people with compromised immune systems.

Staying physically active may also help reduce inflammation and help your immune cells regenerate quickly.


Tip #6: Try Some Innovative Healthcare Treatments 

IV drip therapy and cryotherapy are some of the most popular healthcare treatments today. These programs have shown great results for many years now. Even professional athletes include these treatments as part of their health and wellness regime.

Following these tips can help you stay strong and healthy. Ready to start your health and wellness journey? Call us at (813) 582-7000 to schedule an appointment or visit www.trspinalclinic.com/

How IV Therapy Can Help Improve your Overall Health

For decades, IV therapy has been used in hospitals to save millions of lives in emergency situations. Now, doctors and specialists are maximizing the use of IV drips to solve numerous everyday problems and boost overall health and wellness. At The Right Spinal Clinic, we provide personalized IV drips tailored to suit your health and fitness goals.

Let’s find out how IV therapy can improve your health and wellness. Read on.


IV Drip Therapy: The Basics

IV drip therapy is one of the best ways to fuel your body with essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. The main principle of IV therapy is to directly deliver nutrients into your bloodstream, which also bypasses the usual digestion process in the stomach. With this procedure, you can ensure your body absorbs the right amount of vitamins and minerals.

Depending on your needs or preferences, The Right Spinal Clinic provides several IV drip choices for pain relief, prevention, performance, wellness, and recovery. Here are some of our preferred drips:

  • Weight loss
  • Hangover cocktail
  • The Classic
  • The Fighter
  • Vitality Cocktail

IV therapies are safe and fast; a session takes only a few minutes. At The Right Spinal Clinic, our attending physician will also conduct a thorough assessment to ensure you are fit to undergo the procedure.


When to consider IV Therapy

While IV therapy is proven safe and effective, it is still advisable to consult your physician before having the treatment. Some people get this treatment as a supplement to a healthy diet or part of their workout regime. Others receive an IV drip to address certain health conditions, including:

  • Headaches or migraines
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Respiratory infections
  • Allergies


Experience The Benefits Of IV Therapy For Yourself

If you would like to enjoy IV Therapy’s benefits firsthand, give us a call at (813) 582 7000. Just a few minutes of your time can change your week.


Best Hangover Remedies

Hangovers are just a reminder of the hazards of overindulgence. Symptoms may vary depending on the person’s alcohol tolerance. While some heavy drinkers may escape a hangover entirely, others may experience symptoms after just a few drinks.

Hangover symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • Digestive problems
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle aches
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Shakiness
  • Mood disturbances
  • Excessive thirst, and
  • Inability to concentrate

IV Drip Therapy: The Best Hangover Cure!

Hangovers are the worst! And sometimes, it can take an entire day to recover from the symptoms.

While some hangover remedies like drinking tea or taking supplements may provide some relief, there’s a better and faster solution for your hangover!

Featuring The Right Spinal Clinic’s Hangover Cocktail Drip!

Packed with Calcium ChlorideVitamin B Complex and Amino Blend, this specialized drip can replenish your body with essential fluids, vitamins and nutrients to help you recover from a hangover in no time!

Our Hangover Cocktail Drip can help you:

  • Rehydrate your body
  • Flush out toxins
  • Restore nutrients lost during a night of heavy drinking and
  • Cleanse your system

It also contains an anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory formula to provide fast hangover relief. For only $84, you can easily fight hangover symptoms and go back to feeling normal in no time!

What are you waiting for? Call us now and schedule your IV therapy today!

Innovative Health and Wellness: IV Drip Therapy

When it comes to health and wellness, people are becoming more proactive. Although vitamin supplements have long been popular, scientists have found innovative ways to supply our bodies with precise doses of vitamins and essential nutrients: The IV Drip Therapy.

What is IV Drip Therapy?

Also known as intravenous therapy, this procedure aims to supply the right amount of fluids to patients directly through the veins.

Intravenous injection or infusion is commonly used in hospital settings to provide patients with the required medication or fluids quickly and effectively.

Two Main Types of IV Therapy

  • Injection: This IV therapy is performed through the use of syringes to deliver fluids into the veins.
  • Infusion: This is the most common  IV therapy, which uses a drip in order to deliver fluids into the veins.

Development of IV Therapy

For many years, hospitals and clinics have relied on IV Therapy to deliver effective life-saving treatments and combat dehydration.

Because of their record of safety and effectiveness, health and wellness experts have been able to apply IV Therapies to help people who want to improve their conditioning, athletic performance, recovery, immunity, and much more.

Simply put, IV therapy is now a global trend that can help boost your overall health and wellness. Additionally, there are now individualized IV formulas designed to fit specific goals and needs.

Today, celebrities and athletes across the globe include IV therapies as part of their program.

Advantages of IV Therapy

  • Energy Booster
  • Immediate Hydration
  • Detox
  • Immunization
  • Effective vitamin absorption
  • Customizable
  • Promotes faster recovery

If you’re considering getting IV therapy, be sure to choose a reputable healthcare provider.

The Right Spinal Clinic is a trusted healthcare provider in Tampa Bay. We provide personalized IV infusion therapy tailored to fit your needs and goals.

You can select the drip of your preference according to your needs.

Here are some of the personalized drips you can choose from The Right Spinal Clinic

It’s never too late or too early to start your health and wellness journey. And The Right Spinal Clinic is always ready to help you every step of the way.

Call us today to schedule your IV therapy appointment!

IV Therapy: Clinical Procedures & Advantages

People today have become more health-conscious. They are now open to different programs to help them improve their overall health and physical wellbeing. In case you’re not yet familiar with IV therapy, this article provides you with valuable information about its clinical procedures and some of the advantages you can get from this procedure.

What is IV Therapy?

Also known as intravenous therapy, this procedure aims to supply the right amount of fluids to patients directly into the veins. It’s commonly used in hospital settings to provide patients with the required medication or fluid; since it’s the fastest way to get those products into the body.

There are two main types of IV therapy. These are the following:

  • Injection: This IV therapy is performed through the use of syringes to deliver fluids into the veins.
  • Infusion: This is the most common  IV therapy, which uses a drip in order to deliver fluids into the veins.

Such therapies can be performed to help patients with a variety of health conditions. In addition to treating or preventing dehydration, it’s also used for patients who have chronic health conditions.

The Breakthroughs: Quick Glimpse to IV Treatments’ Evolution

For many years, hospitals and clinics have relied on IV Therapy to deliver effective lifesaving treatments and combat dehydration. As years go by, the use of IV therapies have evolved. Health and wellness experts have discovered ways to use it for people who want to improve their conditioning, athletic performance and recovery, and many more.

To simply put, it is now a global trend that can help boost your overall health and wellness. Additionally, there are now individualized IV formulas designed to fit specific goals and needs. Today, celebrities and athletes across the globe include IV therapies as part of their program.

How IV Therapy can help you?

As mentioned earlier, the use of IV therapy has now developed. Have a look at some of the benefits of IV therapy:

  • Energy Booster

Due to daily physical activities, many people deal with restlessness or fatigue, chronic headaches, migraines, and improper sleep patterns. All these things can result in dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. IV infusion therapy can help correct the imbalances by supplying the right amount of vitamins and fluids your body needs. As a result, you can feel revitalized and energized.

In most cases, the recommended vitamin for energy boosters is vitamin B12. This is ideal for improving wellness functions such as boosting red blood cell production, regulate sleep, mood, and appetite cycles.

  • Immediate Hydration

Your body is made up of 60 percent water. High temperatures and other physical activities are just some of the few factors that can lead to dehydration. Drinking alcoholic beverages is another common cause of dehydration. Take time to assess your lifestyle and habits. If you think you’re physically active or you’re spending too much time with other “luxuries”, you may want to consider getting an IV therapy treatment.

IV drip provides immediate hydration. Additionally IV drip treatment can help you recover faster from a severe hangover, migraines, nausea, dizziness, and chronic headaches.

  • Detox and Immunization

IV Therapy can detoxify your body. There are now certain IV formulas that contain effective antioxidants. This can help cleanse your body and provide the right fluids and essential nutrients. It can cleanse your body cells, combat oxidation, prevent inflammation, and improve overall wellness.

Providing the right dosage of vitamins to your body can also help improve your immune system. It protects you from any viral or bacterial infections. For example, Vitamin C is proven to be an efficient antioxidant that helps prevent illnesses. If you’re looking to improve your immune response, you might want to check out The Right Spinal Clinic’s The Fighter IV formula.


Before your IV therapy, it’s advisable to consult a medical professional. They should give you proper guidance on what you should do before, during, and after your session. Also, make sure to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and get enough rest before the treatment. In addition, choose a reputable health and wellness clinic.

The Right Spinal Clinic provides personalized IV therapy tailored to fit your needs and goals. Call us now at (813) 582 7000 to schedule an appointment. We also specialize in physical therapylaser hair removalchiropracticmedical weight loss, and more!